Paediatric Occupational Therapist key word sign poster – Children’s key word sign

Paediatric Occupational Therapist key word sign poster – Children’s key word sign – includes 48 key word signs
This Children’s key word sign poster was created with the collaboration of a Paediatric Occupational Therapist based on the Sunshine Coast. It provides a number of core and fringe key word signs ideal for Paediatric Occupational Therapist settings as well as other Paediatric Allied Health settings.
The 48 key word signs (KWS) include:
I/Me, You, Help, Stop, Same, Ready, Want, Eat, Drink, Go, Different, Heavy, More, Finish, Play, Wait, Big, Open, Break, Sit, Jump, Climb, Small, Close, Draw, Stand, Hop, Squish, On, In, Toilet, House, Bubbles, Crash, Off, Out, Game, Fidget toy, Hammock, Cushion, Choice, Up, Ball, Swing, Tunnel, Blanket, Blocks, Down
The poster has a QR code that takes you to the video tutorials of all the signs.
The colour of the poster represents the colour on the Modified Fitzgerald key it also contains the visual symbols often associated with other AAC tools such as Speech generating devices (SGD).
PCS® by Tobii Dynavox® All rights reserved. Used with permission.
PCS® and Boardmaker by Tobii Dynavox® All rights reserved. Used with permission
Children’s key word sign is an alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) tool, it uses signs (kindly borrowed from Auslan, Australian sign language), gestures and facial expressions alongside speech, with only key words being signed. This AAC tool has been show to be beneficial for those that have communication difficulties as well as neurotypical children and babies.
Please note that while Key Word Sign uses Auslan (Australian Sign Language) Signs it is very different for more information about the differences between Auslan and Key Word Sign please visit our information page.
This poster is 100% Australia Made, designed, printed and packaged all within Australia.