Professionals Key Word Sign Lanyard Cards – Children’s key word sign – video tutorials


Professional key word sign lanyard cards with video tutorials


These 23 A8 lanyard key word sign cards were designed after consultation with Speech Pathologists for signs that would be most useful in a clinical setting, but would also be useful for families who are introduced to key word sign through their SLP or OT.


The cards come with a QR code that takes you to video tutorials of all 23 signs. The material of the cards is also both tear proof and waterproof.


Boardmaker symbols are used (with permission) on one side and sign for the symbol on the other. Therefore they are also able to integrate with Boardmaker communication boards, or devices using Boardmaker symbols.


The signs included in the pack are:


Turn, Eat, Drink, Help, Stop, Go, Different, Like, Dislike, Yes, No, Want, Again, Finished, More, Please, Thank you, Toilet, Book, Share, Home, iPad, Wait.


Children’s key word signing (KWS) is an alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) tool that uses Australian sign language signs (Auslan) alongside speech, gestures and facial expressions. It is useful for non-verbal, non-speaking, speech delayed children, research has shown it is especially useful for neurodiverse children including autistic children, ADHD, apraxia and downs syndrome.


While Children’s key word signing (KWS) uses Auslan signs it is not Auslan, Auslan has its own grammar, structure and Deaf community associated with it. Children’s key word sign is used as a tool to encourage speech while providing the child with a method to get their needs and wants met. We encourage all children to learn children’s key word sign (KWS) so that they are able to communicate with any children that uses this method to communicate and massively expanding the communication partners of the child.


PCS® by Tobii Dynavox® All rights reserved. Used with permission.
PCS® and Boardmaker by Tobii Dynavox® All rights reserved. Used with permission


Other than the use of Boardmaker symbols all other aspects of the product is made right here in Australia.