Family Members poster – key word sign – access to video tutorials

Family Member Children’s Key Word Sign Poster
This key word sign poster includes signs for all members of the family and descriptions of how to do the signs, as well as QR code access to video tutorials of how to execute the signs.
The poster includes the signs for the following family members:
Grandma, Grandpa /Grandad, Mum, Dad, Aunty, Uncle, Brother Sister, Cousin, Pet and the signs for step and half.
This is a key word sign poster, key word sign is an alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) tool that uses signs (kindly borrowed from Australian Sign Language (Auslan)) gestures and facial expressions alongside speech with only key words being signed. It is used to encourage speech while also providing pre speaking / pre verbal children with an alternative way to communicate through sign. It also allows children with communication difficulties, such as language delays, unclear speech or selective / situational mutism to communicate through sign to help them be understood by their communication partners.
The poster is A3 landscape