Corflute Symbol and Key Word Sign Communication Boards

2 x A2 corflute AAC boards a symbol based board and key word sign board. Each board contains 30 symbols or 30 key word signs useful for an outdoor setting.
A2 Corflute AAC Board x 2 for your outdoor setting.
When you purchase you get 2 boards:
- A key word sign boards; and
- Symbol based AAC board
Each communication board has 30 symbols or manual / key word signs that are useful for outside in the playground. The symbols and keyword signs included are:
I, you, want, more, finished, share, make/do, eat, drink, play, help, need a break, what, where, stop, next/turn, look/see, sit, like, dislike, go, wait, hurt, toilet, yes. no, different, hot, cold, sunscreen, home.
Up to 5 of these manual signs and symbols can be amended to suit your setting (please email, please note selection may be limited so please email before ordering to ensure we have the keyword sign or symbol you require. We are also able to include your logo of your ELC or business.
The children’s key word sign board comes with a QR code to take you to video tutorials of the key word signs to aid you and your children’s understanding on how to execute the key word signs.
These corflute communication boards are perfect for Early Learning Services, Playgrounds, Schools, Allied Health settings or wherever there are children.
The symbols are Boardmaker used with permission.
The corflute boards are A2 size 420 x 594 mm and 5mm thick.
We are also able to do full customisable boards on request, please contact us ( for more information and pricing.
PCS® by Tobii Dynavox® All rights reserved. Used with permission.
PCS® and Boardmaker by Tobii Dynavox® All rights reserved. Used with permission