Messy Day – Key Word Sign Children’s book – Routine theme



Sunny Bear is having trouble finding anything, will you help him?


This is the first in the Sunny Bear series, these books have a short children’s story with a key word sign on one side (based on a theme) and simple story on the other. At the back it contains the other (extra) key word signs for the book. All the Sunny Bear books come with QR access to videos of the story being signed and narrated.


The theme of this book is:  Routine


This is a Children’s key word sign book, key word sign is an alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) tool that uses signs (kindly borrowed from Australian Sign Language (Auslan)), gestures and facial expressions alongside speech with only key words being signed. It is a communication tool for those that are pre speaking / pre verbal or those that have communication difficulties (such as a language delay). By providing children with an alternative way to communicate it can reduce frustration and meltdowns while also improving self esteem and bonding with their communication partners.