ELS – Parental Portal

Welcome to Children’s key word sign – Parental Portal
Your child’s early learning service has incorporated key word sign into their setting.
On this page you will find:
- Information on what is key word sign;
- Information on the benefits of key word sign;
- Information on the resources used in your child’s service;
- Picture and video tutorials of the signs so you can learn and practice at home;
- Access to free resources;
- Information on the products we recommend you getting for the home.

What is key Word Signing?
Key word signing is an Alternative and Augmentative communication tool that can be used by anyone.
Key word sign uses manual signs (borrowed from Australian Sign Language (Auslan)), gestures and facial expressions alongside speech to the key words of a sentence.
It is great for pre speaking babies and toddlers, giving them the means to get their needs and wants conveyed and met before they can speak.
For any children with a speech delay or communication barrier, putting this tool in place early, gives them a huge advantage in their communication process.
It also allows for those that do not need to use key word signing to be able to communicate with those that do, encouraging inclusivity and peer to peer relationships.
The main benefit of key word signing is communication however, there are MANY benefits from using this amazing resource including reducing frustration and meltdowns, increase in confidence and self esteem, and is great for development in all areas including language development, coordination, social and emotional skills, dexterity and fine motor skills.
For more information on key word signing click here

Why Use Key Word Signing?
Communication is a fundamental human right.
Babies are able to communicate through sign before they speak and research has show signing encourages verbal communication early than non-signing peers.
When children are learning to talk it is often difficult to understand what they are saying. Further, as many as 1 in 6 children will have some form of speech delay. Imagine the frustration of a child not being able to tell people what you need and even more frustrating, learning a skill to be able to communicate (KWS) and then going home to loved ones who have not learnt it.
At Sunshine Sign and Sing our mission is to get key word signing wherever there are children, Early Learning Services, playgroups, schools, doctors, hospitals, at home etc.
We strongly encourage all members of your child’s community to incorporate key word signing into their every day and we are here to help you.
For more information on the benefits of key word sign within Early Learning Settings please click here.

Incorporate it at Home
Simply using it every day, in your usual routine can really make a difference, you can start with just a couple of signs and increase as you grow in confidence.
A fantastic way to start, is to sign to songs, nursery rhymes in particular are a great way to introduce signs. Further, using stories is an easy way to incorporated signs into your day.
We have a number of classic children’s songs and story book within our free resources. Please click here to access.
Talk to your child about the signs they may have used today and watch out for them signing to you, the signs will probably look a little different as children don’t quite have the dexterity and comprehension that we do.
It also helps to create a signing environment at home, below we recommend a number of beginning products however you can visit our shop to see our extensive selection.
Please, reach out to us if you need, we are always happy to help. If you would like a parents information session, please speak to the service manager and we can help to arrange this.
Don’t worry about getting it wrong and don’t be afraid to use it!
Signs Use Within Your Child’s Early Learning Setting
Below are video tutorials of all the signs being used at your child’s early learning setting.
If you are having trouble working out how to do the signs please visit our HOLME page where we provide information on how to break down the sign into seperate components (Hand shape, Orientation, Location, Movement and Expression) to assist you to execute each sign. Click here to visit our HOLME page.

Click on the pictures to see video tutorials of the signs

Bed / Sleep












Line Up






Next / Turn

Pack Away








Thank You



Wash Hands

Products Used Within the Early Learning Setting
These are the physical resources currently being used within your child’s Early Learning Service. They are all available in our shop.

24 Everyday Signs Flashcards.
These A6 flashcards contain 24 signs useful every day and match the Everyday Signs Poster. Flashcards are in a synthetic wipeable / waterproof / tear resistant material on a hinged ring.
QR code included takes you directly to video tutorials of the signs.
Signs include:
- Mummy
- Sit
- Bed
- Thank you
- Toilet
- Finished
- Drink
- Share
- Play
- More
- Wait
- Pack Away
- Daddy
- Wash Hands
- Please
- Nappy
- Sorry
- Eat
- Stop
- Book
- Home
- Friend
- Next / Turn
- Line Up
Flashcards are great for incorporating into games and engaging the children to explore the signs.

24 Everyday Signs Poster
This A2 colourful poster contains signs useful for every day and matches the Everyday Sign Flashcards
These signs match the 24 Everyday signs flashcards.
Posters are a great visual reminder and perfect for quick reference. Having this resource helps to create the signing environment.

Daily Lanyard Signs
These mini flashcards are designed to be on a lanyard, keyring or belt loop for quick easy reference. Flashcards are made from synthetic wipeable / waterproof / tear resistant material on a hinged ring.
Signs include:
- Turn
- Eat
- Stop
- Home
- Share
- Line Up
- Good
- Toilet
- Drink
- Help
- Play
- Sit
- Wait
- Finish
- Friend
Signs in this resource are aimed more at play and social interactions.
QR code included takes you directly to video tutorials of the signs.

Everyday Songs & Signs Booklet
This A4 booklet contains 10 songs with their accompanying signs. The songs in this booklet contain signs from the Everyday Signs and songs that relate to everyday life.
In the booklet, you will find the lyrics on one side with associated signs on the other page. Typically there is only one or two signs per line but as you grow in confidence and signing vocabulary, you can add more signs.
The QR code within the booklet takes you to the audio of the songs.

Sunny Bear’s Messy Day Story Sign Book
This story sign book contains signs from the Everyday signs that are useful every day.
This interactive book encourages children to explore the pictures and signs within this book, sign and you read and encourage the children to point to the signed object as well as signing too.
The QR link within the book takes you to a video of the story being narrated and signed.
Resources recommended for at home
These resources are recommended for “At Home”, for parents and carers to help with engagement and continuation of key word signing at home and in the community.
By parents and carers creating a signing environment and participating, it ensures the child has multiple signing partners in all their environments. If the child is thriving using signs within the Early Learning Setting, imagine how disheartening it is to go home and not be able to communicate with your loved ones.
The products have slightly different signs as they are aimed for home and family use. We have included all the “At Home” signs and the “Early Learning Service” signs on this page so you know all the signs your child is being taught. If you or any family members need any assistance, have any questions or are struggling, please let us know and we can help.

24 Starter Signs Flashcards
These flashcards contain signs useful at home every day and match the Starter Signs Poster below.
Signs include:
- Mummy
- Bath
- Love
- Please
- Nappy
- Sorry
- Eat
- Stop
- Book
- Home
- Help
- Brother
- Daddy
- Milk
- Bed
- Thank you
- Toilet
- Finished
- Drink
- Share
- Play
- More
- Friend
- Sister
The flashcards iancludes a QR link to video tutorials of all the signs.
These A7 flashcards come in thick card or synthetic material.

24 Starter Signs Poster
This poster contains signs that are useful for everyday use at home and match the Starter Signs Flashcards above.
These posters are available in A2 or A3, more suitable for at home. They also come in different sizes.

Everyday Songs & Signs Booklet
This booklet contains 10 songs with their accompanying signs. The songs in this booklet contain signs from the Everyday Signs and songs that relate to everyday life.
This comes in A5 size, more suitable for at home.
The QR code within the booklet takes you to the audio of the songs.
Having this song book at home, helps incorporate signing into home life, engaging in different and fun activities.

Sunny Bear’s Messy Day Story Sign Book
This story sign book contains signs from the Everyday signs that are useful every day.
This interactive book encourages children to explore the pictures and signs within this book. At the beginning it is recommended you only use the one sign per page and add more from the sign vocabulary at the back of the book as you become more confident.
The QR link within the book takes you to a video of the story being narrated and signed.
This comes in A5 size, more suitable for at home.
All resources above are available in our shop.
Coming Soon

Themed packs
Choose from a variety of themes including Farm, Underwater, Beach, Christmas, Transport, Safari, Easter and many more.
These themed packs will include posters, song booklets and story books correlating to the theme to enhance and expand on your signs.
Although signs such as sit, stop and wait might be useful, you may well find that these are not the signs the children pick up first.
By using our theme packs, you are incorporating signs into fun activities which in turn will lead to greater engagement. First signs are often something that interests them rather than something particularly useful every day.
More Information
For more information about key word signing, how it is useful within Early Learning Settings, how it aligns with and meets the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and much more, visit our home page. If you have any questions, concerns or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.