School Key Word Sign – Core Vocabulary
- Again
- Angry
- Animal
- Apple
- Baby
- Backpack
- Ball
- Bed / Sleep
- Big
- Birthday
- Blocks
- Blue (North)
- Blue (South)
- Book
- Boy
- Box
- Break / Need a Break
- Breathe
- Brother
- Build
- Careful
- Can / Could
- Catch
- Cat
- Chair
- Clock
- Clothes
- Cockatoo
- Coat
- Come
- Colour
- Cow
- Cry
- Daddy
- Dance
- Day
- Different
- Dislike
- Do
- Doctor
- Dog
- Doll
- Door
- Down
- Draw
- Dress Up
- Drink
- Duck
- Eat / Food
- Echidna
- Egg
- Eraser
- Excellent
- Excuse Me
- Fall
- Farm
- Fast / Quick
- Favourite
- Find
- Finish
- Friend
- Game
- Girl
- Give
- Go
- Good
- Goodbye
- Great
- Green (North)
- Green (South)
- Group
- Have
- Happy
- Hat
- Hear
- Help
- Hide
- Holiday
- Home
- Horse
- Hot (Feeling)
- Hot (Object)
- House
- How Are You?
- Hungry
- I / Me
- Ill
- In
- Ipad
- Jigsaw
- Jump
- Kangaroo
- Koala
- Kookaburra
- Line Up
- Like
- Listen
- Look / See
- Lunch
- Make
- Mine / My
- More
- Morning
- Music
- Mummy
- Name
- Next / Turn
- No
- Okay
- On
- Open
- Orange
- Out
- Outside
- Pack Away / Tidy Up
- Paper
- Partner
- Pen / Write
- Pencil
- Pencil Case
- Pencil Sharpener
- Physical Education
- Pig
- Pink (North)
- Pink (South)
- Play
- Play Dough
- Playground
- Please
- Put
- Purple
- Rainbow
- Raise Hand
- Read
- Ready
- Red (North)
- Red (South)
- Rubbish Bin
- Ruler
- Run
- Safe Hands
- Sad
- Sand
- Say
- School
- Scissors
- Sheep
- Show
- Shy
- Sing / Song
- Silly
- Sister
- Sit
- Slow
- Snake
- Small
- Sorry
- Spider
- Stay
- Stop
- Story
- Sun
- Sunscreen
- Table
- Tall
- Teacher
- Teddy Bear
- Thank you
- Thirsty
- Think
- Time
- Toilet
- Today
- Toy
- Tree
- Up
- Us / We
- Wait
- Walk
- Want
- Wash Hands
- What
- Where
- Who
- White
- Work
- Wombat
- Yes
- Yellow (North)
- Yellow (South)
- You
- Your
Thank you for purchasing the School Key Word Sign Core Vocabulary Book. This book’s vocabulary selections are inspired by a study conducted by University College Cork. The aim of the study was to develop a core key word signing vocabulary (Lámh) to facilitate communication with children with Down syndrome in their first year of mainstream primary school in Ireland.
Citation: Frizelle P, Lyons C. The development of a core key word signing vocabulary (Lámh) to facilitate communication with children with Down syndrome in the first year of mainstream primary school in Ireland. Augment Altern Commun. 2022 Mar;38(1):53-66. doi: 10.1080/07434618.2022.2050298. Epub 2022 Apr 13. PMID: 35416724.
Please note, while we are not affiliated with the university or the study, their findings inspired our School Core Key Word Sign Vocabulary for Prep and Year 1. We’ve expanded on their work by adding classroom fringe words and including Australian animals and other essential words frequently used in Australia, such as “sunscreen.”
Below, you will find the key word signs. By clicking the button at the bottom of each sign, a video tutorial will pop up to assist you. We hope you find this resource invaluable for enhancing communication and learning in your classroom.
Middle and pointer fingers extended but not touching each other, hand facing forward. Flick hand up and down twice from wrist
Clawed hands on chest. Move hands in forward arc until palms face upwards
Touch two middle fingers to thumb leaving others extended. Move in small circle
Hand slightly curved, place in front of mouth. Move hand in upward arc, finishing with palm facing up, like taking a bite from an apple
Palms facing upwards on top of each other. Rock arms like rocking a baby
Thumbs up, place hands near shoulders. Move hands down simultaneously like you are pulling down backpack straps
Clawed hands facing each other. Move towards each other and out twice, like squishing a ball
Bed / Sleep
Palms together, rest cheek on hands
One hand on top, palms facing you. Move hands out to sides
Flat hands down by side, palms facing body. Move hands in large arcs until hands finish at side of head
Clawed hands face down. Alternately move each hand on top of each other, like building a tower block
Blue (North)
Middle finger on back of other hand, pointer finger forwards. Brush middle finger up other hand twice
Blue (South)
Brush top of back hand with other flat hand a few times
Palms together, open hands so palms face up and close again. Like opening and closing a book
Pointer finger, just under chin. Move across chin and back. Tip: A boy has no beard
1. Outline 1 side of box with hands; 2. Turn hands 90 degrees to outline other side of box
Break / Need a Break
Fists together, palms down, do an action as though breaking a stick
Palm on chest, fingers spread. Move out and in while doing deep breathes
Fingers of fists together. Alternatively rub fists along fingers
Middle and pointer fingers extended from both hands. Alternately move hands up and down, hitting extended fingers on the way up and down
Pointer fingers extended from fist, fingertips bent, place just in front of eyes. Bounce hands forward twice (can be one handed)
Can / Could
Pointer and thumb extended from fist, place around nose. Bring hand out, pinching pointer and thumb together
Slightly curved hands at side of head (as though about to catch something), bring hands down simultaneously into fists, like you caught it
Pointer fingers near nose, thumbs near chin, bring arms out as you close fingers to thumb. Like a cats whiskers
Place fingertips of bent hand on heel of flat hand. Move both hands down simultaneously
Hold one hand vertically, other hand form L with thumb and pointer finger. Place thumb on palm. Turn hand in forward arc
Fingers and thumb spread. Run thumbs down chest moving hands outwards from body (You can also gesture putting on costumes)
Fingers spread, place thumb on head, arc hand forward. Like a cockatoo spreading its crest
Fists just below shoulders,move towards each other. Like putting on a coat
Hand out from body and bent slightly move hand towards yourself (natural gesture)
Touch tips of thumb and forefinger then rub up and down side of other pointer finger
Thumbs and little fingers extended, place thumbs on temples and move out and up in arcs, like a cow’s horns
Hooked pointer fingers just below eyes. Alternately move fingers down face, like tears going down face
Middle and pointer fingers extended on both hands, palms down. Tap fingers together twice
First and second fingers spread and pointing down, gently shake side to side
Hands flat facing stomach, move hands in upward arcs
Pointer fingers extended and together. Move hands in outward arcs ending with palms up
Flat hand, fingertips on chest. Move hand in forward small circles while frowning, you can also shake head
Both hands in fists, move top fist in small circles, hitting top of other fist during movement
Place middle and pointer finger on side of wrist with thumb underneath. Tap fingers on wrist twice
Pat thigh with flat hand, like you are calling a dog over
Hand in a fist with elbow on non-dominant flat hand. Turn fist forward and back, like a dolls head turning
Flat hands held horizontally, place dominant hand on top. Swing dominant hand forward and back onto hand a couple of times. Like it is a door swinging open and shut
Point down then move hand down
Hold non dominant hand flat (like paper). Hold dominant hand like you are holding a pencil then move around like it’s drawing on the paper
Dress Up
Fingers and thumb spread. Run thumbs down chest moving hands outwards from body (You can also gesture putting on costumes)
Hand in cupped shape. Bring hand to mouth
Hand in front of mouth, thumb under extended fingers, bring fingers and thumb together twice, like a duck’s beak opening and closing
Eat / Food
Tips of thumb and fingers touching, tap mouth twice (can be tapped on chin)
Arm across body, hand in a fist. Hide other hand with spread fingers behind fist. Twist spread hand so fingers are revealed, like an echidna uncurling and spreading its spines
Hand in fist, other hand has pointer and middle finger extended, palm up, tap fingers on side of fist twice
Hook pointer finger over thumb. Rub over palm of other flat hand
Hand in fist, other hand has pointer and middle finger extended, palm up, tap fingers on side of fist twice
Excuse Me
Hand in fist, other hand has pointer and middle finger extended, palm up, tap fingers on side of fist twice
Palm face up, with other hand place middle and pointer fingers on palm, move off in downward arc inverting hand. Like a person falling off your hand
Flat hand, thumb on chest, move down in outward arc
Fast / Quick
Pointer finger extended from both hands, bring one down and along the other pointer finger quickly
Both hands thumbs up, move both hands in forward circles one slightly ahead of the other
Hand out to side, loose claw, palm facing up. Bring hand upwards clenching into fist
Thumb up from fist. Twist wrist left and right
One hand around other fist, shake up and down (as though shaking your friends hand)
Fists together, thumbs up. Alternatively tilt hands forwards and back
Brush pointer finger down side of opposite cheek twice. Tip girls have soft skin
Flat hands, palms up, just above hip height, move in forward arc as though giving a present
Flat hand, palm facing chest, arc hand outwards, finishing with palm facing away (can be directional)
Thumb up (natural gesture)
Wave (natural gesture)
Non dominant thumbs up, dominant hand place thumb on back of the other thumb tip. Quickly move dominant hand forward spreading fingers
Green (North)
Little finger and thumb extended from fist. Place just in front of forehead. Move side to side
Green (South)
One arm in front, blade of other hand at wrist. Move up arm to elbow. Tip: think greensleeves
Hands in clawed shape, palms forward. Move hands together in front of body, finish with fingertips touching, like gathering people together
Clawed hand palm up, bring hand down, clenching into fist
Clap heel of palms together. Moving upper hand in small circles
Put flat hand on top of head
Place cupped hand behind ear
Place fingertips of bent hand on upwards facing flat hand, move hands towards the person needing help
Flat hands, one hand fingers pointing up, pointer finger near nose, second hand in front fingers forward, bring hands to meet
Hands out in front of you. Palms forward. Move in large outward circles
Palm forward, with finger slightly curved. Move hand forward in an arc under fingers pointing down
Non dominant hand, point forward, dominant hand, hold pointer and middle finger in downward ‘V’ (the rider), place over pointer finger. Move hands in forward circles like a horse galloping with a rider
Hot (Feeling)
Finger curled over thumb, place hand on far side of forehead, move across forehead and out to the side, like wiping sweat off (as in feeling hot)
Hot (Object)
Fingers on chin. Rotate hand outwards and down towards hot object
Outline shape of roof and walls of a house with hands
How Are You?
Flat hands on chest. Simultaneously move them out to side while curling fingers into hand. Finishing with a thumbs up
Hands bent, fingers touching stomach. Roll hands forward until palms facing upwards
I / Me
Point at yourself
Little finger extended. Place high on chest. Move down
Palm down across body, slide the other hand under it
One hand flat, face up. Place middle finger onto palm of flat hand, pointer finger extended forward. Brush middle finger left and right, like swiping an iPad screen
1. Hands out in front, fingers spread, palms facing you; 2. Interlock fingers of hands, move out and interlock fingers again
Palm face up, with other hand place middle and pointer fingers on palm and ‘jump’ them up and down
Hang cupped hands down in front of you, bounce forward several times. Like a kangaroo bouncing along
1. Clawed hand over nose. 2. Then place clawed hands crossed on chest Tip: Koalas have big noses
Thumb, first and second fingers extended, place thumb on chin. Bounce hand forward twice. Like laughter coming out of Kookaburra’s beak
Line Up
Pointer finger extended, hand out in front of body. Other hand flat with fingers spread, near body. Move flat hand forward, stopping just behind pointer finger
Flat hand, fingertips on chest. Move hand in forward small circles while smiling
Place cupped hand behind ear
Look / See
Pointer finger at eye, bring hand outward (can be directional)
Fingers flat with thumb underneath (not touching), move across face in front of mouth
Both hands in fists, move top fist in small circles, hitting top of other fist during movement
Mine / My
Place fist in centre of chest
Clawed hand on chest. Pull out slightly
Fingers of bent hand taps waist then arm pit, like putting a newspaper under your arm
Pointer fingers extended, move hands in arcs towards and away from each other, as though conducting an orchestra
Extend three middle fingers from fist. Tap fingers on head twice
First and second finger touching thumb, place tips on forehead, bring out in forward arc finishing with fingers forward
Next / Turn
From fist, curl the pointer finger around thumb. Hand out front, palm facing down. Twist wrist so palm faces upwards
Move fist side to side, like a mini head shaking ‘no’. You can also shake head Also sign for not
Thumb extended from fist, palm down. Move hand in forward circle a few times
1 Flat hands, palms face up; 2 Place back of hand onto palm of the other hand
Fingertips touching of flat hands, palms facing you. Simultaneously swivel hands out until fingertips facing forward (like double doors opening)
At side of mouth clench and unclench your hand a few times, like squishing an orange
Middle finger touching thumb, palm facing you, flick middle finger and whole hand out
Non dominant hand flat facing body. Dominant hand pointing down behind hand. Jump dominant hand over flat hand finishing with it in front of flat hand
Pack Away / Tidy Up
Bunch hands. Alternatively move hands up and forward spreading fingers, then repeat. Action of packing away into cupboard. Can also be the action of packing into a box
Hands together, palms facing each other. Tap fists together twice
Hands in fists thumbs up. Bring dominant fist to other fist. Then simultaneously move both hands across body and back
Pen / Write
Pinch pointer and thumb together. Move across body like you are writing
Pinch pointer and thumb together. Move in an action as though licking the point of a pencil. Tip: People use to lick pencil tip to make it write clearer
Pencil Case
Do the sign for pencil. Non dominant hand hold end of ‘pencil case’. Hold the ‘zip’ with dominant hand. Move in an action of opening and closing the zip
Pencil Sharpener
Do the sign for pencil. Then place pointer finger in the fist of other hand. Twist dominant hand like a pencil in a pencil sharpener
Physical Education
1 Flat hands at both sides of chest, fingers forward. Simultaneously move downwards (physical); 2 Bunch hands at side of her, fingers forward. Move hands forwards and back twice
Place fist in front of nose move in small circles, like a pigs snout
Pink (North)
1. Pointer finger near lip; 2. Move finger away from face while bending finger slightly
Pink (South)
Hand facing forward, pointer finger on front of cheek. Move back then down cheek Tip: Our cheeks are pink
Palms up, hands at side. Move simultaneously in outward circles
Play Dough
Flat hands, dominant hand on top, fingers facing forward. Rub hands forward and back, like rolling play dough in your hands
1 Palms up, hands at side, move simultaneously in outward circles (‘play’); 2 Hands together, palms down, move outwards (‘ground’)
Fingers of flat hand on chin. Move forward and down curling fingers into hand
Loosely bunch hand, move in forward arc and then open hand, like putting something on the table
Place first and second finger on palm of other hand. Move in small circles
Arm across body, palm facing you, fingers slightly spread, move hand in large arc. Like you are making the shape of a rainbow
Raise Hand
Raise hand (natural gesture)
Flat hand tilted to face.Pointer and middle finger extended from other hand, slightly separated. Zigzag hand as though reading text
Thumb over middle finger forming circle, hand to side of face palm facing you. Move hand in forward arc flicking finger and thumb out
Red (North)
Hooked pointer finger near bottom lip. Move down and up twice
Red (South)
Pointer in front of lips. Move in small circle. Tip: Lips are red
Rubbish Bin
Tap back of hands together (rubbish). Hold hands ‘C’ Shape, simultaneously move down outlining the shape of a bin
Non dominant hand flat across body. Point down near elbow. Move pointer finger across arm finishing at tips of fingers
THands flat, move forward and back quickly as though running
Safe Hands
1.One hand flat, palm up. Other hand in cup shape above and in front. 2. Move hand down and back, while making a fist. 3. Point at hands
Look sad. Flat hand with pointer finger towards mouth. Bring hand down face
Run your thumb along your fingertips starting with the little finger. Like rubbing sand grains between your fingers
Point at mouth. Bring hand outwards
Hand flat, palm facing you, just in front of face. Starting near cheek, move hand back and forth in front of face
Pointer and middle fingers extended and separated. Open and close fingers like scissors
Thumb and little finger extended, place little finger on cheek and brush back twice
Point to eye. Move hand outwards while spreading fingers
Pointer finger just under chin, palm facing across the body. Twist hand until palm faces the body
Sing / Song
Place first and second finger near mouth, draw circles with fingers as you move hand up and out
Finger spread, thumb on temple. Wiggle fingers
Tap nose twice with hooked finger
Open palms facing down. Place one hand on top of other. Move hands down
Place flat hand on the back of the wrist of other hand. Slowly move hand up the arm
Closed fist on chin. Move hand forward flicking out first and second finger. Like a snake’s forked tongue flicking out
Palms facing each other, out at side of body, move towards each other until close together
Shake clawed hand in front of mouth, like rubbing out the bad words
Crawl your hand up your other arm, like it’s a spider
Crooked pointer fingers extended from fists, held near shoulder height, bring down in forward arcs until forearm at parallel with floor
Hand out in front of you, palm forward
Non dominant hand held out horizontally. Place dominant hand on top. Move hands downwards
Fist high above head, spread fingers downwards, like the rays of sunshine on your head
Rub flat hand in circles on opposite arm. Like rubbing in sunscreen
Hands flat and together, palms down. Move away from each other and down, outlining the shape of a table
Bent hand at side of head, move upwards to show tall stature
Pointer finger and thumb in an ‘L’ shape, held slightly out in front of shoulder. Move towards and away from shoulder twice
Teddy Bear
Place both cupped hands on head, like teddy bear’s ears
Thank you
Fingers of flat hand on chin. Move forward and down in arc
Point at top of throat and draw line down
Place pointer finger on temple
Tap pointer on opposite wrist, like you are tapping a watch
Tap pointer on opposite wrist, like you are tapping a watch
Pointer finger extended beside your head. Shake hand side to side
Thumb and finger extended from fist, palm facing away from body, twist forward and back like a spinning top, finishing with palm facing body
One hand across body, palm down. Rest dominant arm elbow on hand, fingers pointing up. Twist hand at wrist, like a trees branches moving
Point up, and move hand up
Us / We
Point at yourself then others included in the ‘we’ (natural gesture)
Open hands, palms facing forward. Bounce hands up and down slightly
Extend pointer and middle from one hand, point down like legs. ‘Walk’ fingers across palm of other hand
Flat hand, thumb extended on chest, move hand downwards and out in slight arc
Wash Hands
Move hands over each other as though washing your hands
Pointer finger extended, shake hand side to side
Palms up, arms at side, move hands slightly in and out at same time
Point up, move hand in horizontal circle. Tip mouth makes a circle shape when saying who
Extend thumb and little finger, palm down. Move hand side to side
Tap wrists of flat hands together twice
Claw first three fingers on each hand alternatively forward and back, like a wombat digging
Move horizontal fist up and down, can also nod head
Yellow (North)
Point to ear. Move in small forward circles near ear
Yellow (South)
Thumb and pointer touching, place on temple. Twist hand forward twice. Like the yellow sun rays hitting your head
Point at the person you are referring to
Hand in fist, palm facing forward Move in the direction of the person being referred to