FREE DOWNLOADABLE – Helpful Signs Poster – Children’s key word sign

FREE downloadable ’12 Helpful Key Word Signs’ poster for you and your child at home.
Get your key word signing journey started with this FREE downloadable ’12 Helpful Signs’ poster.
This poster is perfect for you and your little one to learn and practice key word signing / baby signing at home. Here are 12 signs that you will find useful in every day life.
The poster contains the following signs:
Mum, Dad, Eat, Drink, Please, Thanks, More, Finish, Help, Stop, Wait and Toilet
While many have heard of Australian Sign Language / Auslan, Makaton or Baby Sign Language / Baby Sign not many have heard of key word sign. Key Word Sign is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tool that uses signs (borrowed from Auslan), gestures and facial expressions alongside speech to aid communication for babies and children that are pre verbal / pre speaking or have communication difficulties.
With 1 in 5 children estimated to have a language delay and it being recommended that when you start to use key word sign, beginning with 10-12 signs, we have created this resource to get as many children started on this journey. Further, even for neurotypical babies and children baby sign has been seen to improve vocabulary and literary skills while allowing them to communicate to children who do need this communication tool long term.