Sunshine Sign and Sing is not currently an NDIS provider. However if you are either NDIS self managed or plan managed, you may be able to use NDIS funding to purchase key word sign products from Sunshine Sign and Sing. We recommend you seek advise from your support coordinator or plan manager if you are unsure.
NIDS funding has previously been used to purchase our products, this has been done in one of the several ways:
1. Order from the website as normal & pay upfront using our payment options.
You submit your receipt to NDIA yourself. As payment is received upfront your items will be sent out as soon as possible.
2. As a pay later option:
Take a look at our shop and email mail@sunshinesignandsing.com.au, titled NDIS self managed payment option and include:
- Key word sign Items you wish to purchase (ensure you include size, colour and regional options and pricing where necessary)
- Name and address for delivery
- Contact number
- Name and NDIS number of the relevant participant
- Specify that an Invoice is required for this order
This is a PAY LATER option, to allow you to draw down first. A PDF invoice will be emailed to you to forward to NDIA for payment to yourself. Once you receive the funds you pay us directly. Our invoice includes payment details for you. We would love you to send us an email advising payment has been made including your order number & or name on invoice as this ensures we will be looking for the payment to arrive.
As soon as payment is received, we post the item to you.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us via our contact us form.
Plan Managed by an Agency
In this instant the Plan Manager or third party Agency pays Sunshine Sign and Sing directly for resources.
Take a look at our shop and email mail@sunshinesignandsing.com.au, titled NDIS Plan Manager payment option and include:
- Key word sign Items you wish to purchase (ensure you include size, colour and regional options where necessary)
- Name and address for delivery
- Contact number
- Name and NDIS number of the relevant participant
- Specify that an Invoice is required to be sent to your Plan Manager
- E-mail address for your Plan Manager to forward your invoice
A copy of the invoice will also be sent to you. As soon as payment is received, we post the item to you.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us via our contact us form.
If NDIA Managed
We are not currently a registered provider however email us with your requirements and we will assist you any way possible.