Key Word Signs for Family Members

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Key Word Sign Auslan for Grandpa or Grandad


Key Word Sign Auslan for Grandma


Key Word Sign Auslan for Mummy


Key Word Sign Auslan for Daddy


Key Word Sign Auslan for sister - tap hooked pointer finger on nose tip sisters are nosey


Key Word Sign Auslan for brother, fingers of fists together alternately rub fists along finger - tip brothers fight


Key Word Sign Auslan for Aunty or Auntie - thumbs extended from fists palms facing each other tap tips of thumbs together twice


Key Word Sign Auslan for Uncle - Little fingers extended from fists, palms facing you, tap tips of little fingers together twice


Key Word Sign Auslan for Cousin - form a c shape with your hand, place under one side of chin and move hand to the other side


Key Word Sign Auslan for Pet - open hand palm facing you using dominant hand stroke back of your hand like stroking an animal


Key Word Sign Auslan for step - hook little fingers together representing the shape of an S then do the sign for the relevant family member


Key Word Sign Auslan for half - hand flat, palm up, place blade of dominant flat hand on other palm and bring back like slicing the hand in half