Classroom Key Word Signs – Video Tutorials

Thank you for purchasing out Classroom Key Word Sign Poster. Please find below video tutorials for the classroom key word signs.


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Key Word Sign for Backpack

Thumbs up, place hand near shoulders. Move hands down simultaneously, like you are pulling down on backpack straps.


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Key Word Sign for Book

Palms together, open hands so palms face up and close again. Like opening and closing a book


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Key Word Sign for Chair

Place fingertips of bent hand on heel of flat hand. Move both hands down simultaeously


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Key Word Sign for Door

Flat hands held horizontally, place dominant hand on top. Swing dominant hand forward and back onto hand a couple of times. Like it is a door swinging open and shut


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Key Word Sign for Eraser

Non dominant hand flat, palm up, like paper. Dominant hand, curl pointer around thumb. Rub dominant hand over palm of other hand, like rubbing out with an eraser

Glue Stick

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Key Word Sign for Glue Stick

Hand in fist. Move forward and back over palm of other hand, like spreading glue from a glue stick


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Key Word Sign for iPad

One hand flat, facing up. Place middle finger onto palm of flat hand, pointer finger extended forward. Brush middle finger elf and right, like swiping an iPad screen


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Key Word Sign for Paper

Hands together, palms facing each other. Tap fists together twice


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Key Word Sign for Pen

Pinch pointer and thumb together. Move across body like you are writing


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Key Word Sign for Pencil

Pinch pointer and thumb together. Move in an action as though licking the point of a pencil. Tip: People use to lick pencil tip to make it write clearer

Pencil Case

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Key Word Sign for Pencil Case

Do the sign for pencil (above). Then Non-dominant hand hold the end of a ‘pencil case’. Dominant hand hold the ‘zip’. Move in an action of opening and closing the zip of a pencil case

Pencil Sharpener

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Key Word Sign for Pencil Sharpener

Do the sign for pencil (above). Then place pointer finger in the fist of other hand. Twist dominant hand like a pencil in a pencil sharpener

Rubbish Bin

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Key Word Sign for Rubbish Bin

Tap back of hands together (rubbish). Then hold hands in C shapes and simultaneously move down, outlining the shape of a bin


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Key Word Sign for Ruler

Non dominant hand, flat across body, palm down. Point near elbow. Move pointer finger along arm finishing at tips of fingers


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Key Word Sign for Scissors

Pointer and middle fingers extended and separated. Open and close fingers like scissors


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Key Word Sign for Table

Hold hands flat and together, palms down. Move away from each other and down, outlining the shape of a table