Early Learning Services Brochure – Professional Development Training for Educator’s – Children’s key word signing (KWS)


Early Learning Services downloadable brochure on Children’s Key Word SIgn professional development training for educators and resources to assist with successful implementation. Children’s key word sign is an alternative and augmentative communication tool that uses Australian sign language (Auslan) signs, gestures and facial expressions alongside speech to provide children with an alternative communication method while pre verbal. There are numerous benefits to using Children’s key word sign in an early learning setting which the brochure expands on and provides extensive details on what is included in the educator’s professional development training.


Have you ever had a child at your Early Learning Setting with a speech delay?


With an estimated 1 in 5 children having a language delay it is highly likely that you have.


Children’s key word signing (KWS) is an alternative and augmentative communication tool that provides children with an alternate method of communication while encourage speech at the same time.   Children key word signing (KWS) borrows signs from Australian sign language (Auslan) and uses them to sign key words in a sentence, alongside speech, gestures and facial expressions.


Research has shown reduced frustration, less meltdowns, increased bonding and improved self confidence from the use of KWS, as well as other benefits.   T


This brochure provides you with information on how Sunshine Sign and Sing will work with you and provide resources that will ensure the success of Children’s key word signing (KWS) in your Early Learning Setting. It provides information on our training that provides more information on Children’s key word signing (KWS), introduction to useful signs, how to set up a signing environment at your Early Learning Setting and how to use the Children’s key word signing resources that come with your pack.


You will find that integrating Children’s key word signing at your Early Learning setting will also meet several of the principles of the Early Years Learning Framework.


If you have Uplift funding our training and resources meet many of the priority areas.


Download the brochure here or contact us for more information.   mail@sunshinesignandsing.com.au